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Now 2 Quick Questions . . .

0 - Live - User - Data Survey
Does your firm use technology to identify service opportunities?

Would your firm use technology to identify service opportunities?

1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating

1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating

1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating
1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating
1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating
1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating
1 = Can't identify more than one service opportunity
10 = Can identify all service opportunities
1 = Can't identify more than one service opportunity
10 = Can identify all service opportunities
What makes finding all service opportunities in a customer difficult?

How many professional services does your business get?

1 = Not Frustrating
10 = Most Frustrating
How many hours a week do you spend on Rbundle referral activities?

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