Bettering Business Simplifying Life
Our Mission
We believe that professional service providers are indispensable in the value they deliver to businesses. However, the process of discovering, sourcing, and managing service engagements is inefficient at best, frustratingly doomed at worst. Imagine if both business-buyers and service providers could just focus on value delivery. Our mission is to instantly connect businesses to value added professional services. That’s why we’ve created an ecosystem of incentives and simplicity to unite businesses, service providers, and community to help each other grow.
Founder & CEO

Our Story
As an attorney and CPA with experience on the provider-side and buyer-side of professional services, Russell noticed the value-loss on both sides due to structural and process inefficiencies. This results a lot of time and organizational resources getting fewer service engagements at higher prices.
Seeing opportunity, a company was born: Rbundle. It was founded on two notions. First, speeding up the professional service procurement process benefits both the business-buyers and service providers with the value of time savings. Second, that business-buyers would benefit from more professional services at lower prices while at the same time for service providers the increase in service engagement volume and reduced sales funnel costs could more than offset the lower prices.Â
In other words: Businesses get more net value, service providers make more profit through volume and lower cost sales funnel, and both save time and organizational resources.
Today, the Rbundle movement continues to empower businesses and service providers to instantly connect so both can focus on core business operations.