0 - Live - Business - RFP Profile Hidden Fields Go To Page Save RFP Form Answers Yes No "NO" deletes saved information. RFP Answer Profile Profile nickname added to download Upload Profile Download Profile Tax Filing Information arrowup6 The business files income taxes in the U.S.? Yes No Business's year end? 12/316/3001/3103/3109/30Other Business's year end? Federal Income Tax Form filed by the business? 1040 with Sch. C10411120S106511201120-A1120-H1120-L1120-F1120-C1120-REIT990990EZ990PFOther Federal Income Tax Form filed by the business? If the business files as a Partnership, is the business currently subject to the BBA Centralized Partnership Audit Regime? Yes No Unsure If subject to the BBA, is the business able to provide the name of the company's Partnership Representative? Yes No Can the business provide the business's EIN, Company Name, and Company Address? Yes No Business legal entity type? C-Corp. S-Corp. B-Corp. Closely Held Corporation General Partnership ( GP ) Limited Partnership ( LP ) Limited Liability Partnership ( LLP ) Limited Liability Limited Partnership ( LLLP ) Limited Liability Company ( LLC, LC, Ltd. Co. ) Sole Proprietorship Non-profit Corporation Trust Other Year of business's formation? Since 2001, the business has . . . . Failed to file a tax return on time. Failed to pay income taxes on time. Failed to pay estimated income taxes on time. Failed to deposit employment taxes on time. None of the above I'm curious, lets proceed anyways. Does the business own any buildings that have not been cost segregated? Yes No Number of buildings that have not been cost segregated? Does the business plan on building or purchasing any buildings in the next 12 months? Yes No Number of buildings the business plans on building or purchasing in the next 12 months? Approximately how many energy efficient PUBLIC U.S. properties has the business created technical specifications for since December 31, 2005 that have not received 179D deductions? Does the business own any COMMERCIAL buildings in the U.S. placed into service after December 31, 2005 that have not received the 179D energy deduction? Yes No How many U.S. commercial buildings placed into service after December 31, 2005 and have not received the 179D energy deduction? In the next 12 months, does the business plan on owning any additional commercial buildings placed into service after December 31, 2005? Yes No How many additional commercial buildings, placed in service after December 31, 2005, does the business plan on owning in the next 12 months? Does your business create technical specifications for new constructions, retrofits, or building addition projects for energy efficient PUBLIC property? Example companies may include Architecture or Engineering companies. Yes No Financial Information arrowup6 This business: Lists its securities on a securities exchange Has more than $10 million in total assets and a class of securities held by either (1) 2,000 or more persons or (2) 500 or more persons who are not accredited investors, unless the exceptions for Regulation Crowdfunding or Regulation A apply. None of the above. IT & Security Information arrowup6 The business handles: Federal Contract Information (FCI) Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) None of the above Legal Information arrowup6 This business is: Domestic - created by the filing of a document with a secretary of state or any similar office under the law of a state. Foreign - formed under the law of a foreign country that are registered to do business in the United States. Foreign - formed under the law of a foreign country, but is NOT registered to do business in the United States. Legal Service Conflict Check Providers of legal services generally should not provide services where it would conflict with their work with an existing client. In an effort to prevent this conflict, answer the following questions. Is your company currently in litigation? e.g. Are you being sued, suing, or been charged criminally?iSample language. Yes No Full Company or Person Name iSample language. Location of the lawsuit iSample language. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming plus1 minus1 Will there be other third-parties involved in the delivery of this service? iSample language. Yes No Full Company or person Name iSample language. plus1 minus1 Save If you are human, leave this field blank.