Upload Saved RFP RBUNDLE RFP FORM Tax - IRS Monitoring IRS Audit Monitoring IS YOUR BUSINESS ELIGIBLE? Does or should the business file income taxes in the U.S.? ? Yes No What is the business' year end? ? 12/3106/3001/3103/3109/30Other What is the business' year end? What Federal Income Tax Form does the business file? ? 1040 with Sch. C10411120S106511201120-A1120-H1120-L1120-F1120-C1120-REIT990990EZ990PFOther What Federal Income Tax Form does the business file? If the business files as a Partnership, is the business currently subject to the BBA Centralized Partnership Audit Regime?? Yes No Unsure If subject to the BBA, is the business able to provide the name of the company's Partnership Representative?? Yes No Can the business provide the business's EIN, Company Name, and Company Address? ? Yes No YOUR BUSINESS IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THIS SERVICE AT THIS TIME. Tax Filing Information What kind of legal entity is the business? ? C-CorpB-CorpClosely Held CorporationProfessional Corporation ( PC )S-Corp.General Partnership ( GP )Limited Partnership ( LP )Limited Liability Partnership ( LLP )Limited Liability Limited Partnership ( LLLP )Limited Liability Company ( LLC, LC, Ltd. Co. )Sole ProprietorshipNon-profit CorporationTrustOther What kind of legal entity is the business? What year was the business formed? Has the business always been a [id246] filing a [id237] with a tax year end of [238]? ? Yes No Does the business also want its tax records searched for Penalty Abatement Opportunities? ? Yes No Tax History Instructions: CHECK TABLE FOR ACCURACY This table is populated based on the information above. Please correct either the Tax Year, Legal Entity type, or Subject to BBA as needed. Once this section is accurate, move to the next Section. Tax Years Federal Income Tax Form Legal Entity Subject to BBA Notes (Optional) NEXT STEP - Download your above answers to an RFP Form (excel) Save Progress Create Account Request Proposals Back To Dashboard If you are human, leave this field blank.